The problem with webrings is that members of webrings “““forget””” to add the webring widget to their landing pages, doing so defeats the purpose of webrings. When i was a teenager i used to zap around on the TV all the time, as soon as commercial or show got boring i zapped to the next channel. That is what webrings are for, you zap/surf around pages. But when the widget is not on the page you get zapped to, it really takes away that sweet zapping around feel.

At the same time, you don’t want the link to your page in the webring be something like, you want it to be your landing page.

The only solution to this is to have the webring widget on your landing page.

Webrings also serve the purpose of being a tribe mark.

I never believed in webrings, but i believe gettie. That’s why is part of getties webring imperium.

Gettie doesn’t require or have a standard widget, but we got links:

about this site

This is my web playground. Most of it is built using the static site generator: Hugo . It might not look like much, but i have built it all from scratch. No themes and under the hood it uses many hi-tech and rare features of Hugo.

A principle i try to follow is for the site to be cheap and easy to consume. But as a playground, I don’t impose rules on what tech i can, or can not, use.

It is hosted on a VPS and served withcaddy . Both hugo and caddy are written in Go. I have made hugo sites since at least 2017, but this is the first time i use caddy and selfhost a site. caddy actually have built in support for Go templates, and is able to serve markdown files directly. I have been thinking about doing an experiment without hugo, just using caddy and some extensions to “generate” the site.

The guestbook is also written from scratch but as a stand-alone Go webserver using SQLite for data. I wish I had started with Go earlier, especially considering all time I spent mastering Go templates while working on hugo sites.

Guestbook is also my first experiment using HTMX , which i am very impressed by, and would like to use more. On previous sites i have used turbolinks . I wonder if not the same, but better result can be achieved with a combo of caddy and HTMX..

As of writing this I only have one other JavaScript thing on the page, it is the eyes in the blog-button. It’s a low-key statement, saying, this page is fun. I also use many modern CSS features such as grids, variables, flexbox.


The primary content is the bookmarks collection. I just like curated lists of links and believe them to be an important backbone of what i call goodweb. It is also a great subject for hugo experimentation. Currently i store each link in its own markdown file, where metadata goes in the YAML frontmatter and description of the link is the markdown body. These bookmarks pages are actually a headless section that is only rendered on the links/linktags listings.

But i will also try to publish some articles on the blog. I find it hard to write about things that are not linux ricing guides, but i will try to vary the content, maybe.