#cozychan made me do it

They shamed me for not having a cozy website. I told them I did have one, at localhost:1313^ . I just never got around publishing it. After some soydev^ tutorials^ and a little help from my friends, site is now hosted on my VPS^

Now there is no excuse:

Welcome to nergen.net!

about this site

This is my web playground. Most of it is built using the static site generator: Hugo^ . It might not look like much, but i have built it all from scratch. No themes and under the hood it uses many hi-tech and rare features of Hugo.

A principle i try to follow is for the site to be cheap and easy to consume. But as a playground, I don’t impose rules on what tech i can, or can not, use.

It is hosted on a VPS and served withcaddy^ . Both hugo and caddy are written in Go. I have made hugo sites since at least 2017, but this is the first time i use caddy and selfhost a site. caddy actually have built in support for Go templates, and is able to serve markdown files directly. I have been thinking about doing an experiment without hugo, just using caddy and some extensions to “generate” the site.

The guestbook is also written from scratch but as a stand-alone Go webserver using SQLite^ for data. I wish I had started with Go earlier, especially considering all time I spent mastering Go templates while working on hugo sites.

Guestbook is also my first experiment using HTMX^ , which i am very impressed by, and would like to use more. On previous sites i have used turbolinks^ . I wonder if not the same, but better result can be achieved with a combo of caddy and HTMX..

As of writing this I only have one other JavaScript thing on the page, it is the eyes in the blog-button. It’s a low-key statement, saying, this page is fun. I also use many modern CSS features such as grids, variables, flexbox.


The primary content is the bookmarks collection. I just like curated lists of links and believe them to be an important backbone of what i call goodweb. It is also a great subject for hugo experimentation. Currently i store each link in its own markdown file, where metadata goes in the YAML frontmatter and description of the link is the markdown body. These bookmarks pages are actually a headless section that is only rendered on the links/linktags listings.

But i will also try to publish some articles on the blog. I find it hard to write about things that are not linux ricing guides, but i will try to vary the content, maybe.