I am embarrassing

So fucking what.

If you don’t post you don’t exist. Like whats the point of being online otherwise.

That was harsh, sorry, I am embarrassing. I have a blog without posts, now that’s pointless.

‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?

Way more embarrassing shit than this have been posted, many even get paid for it. Real big money. Just look at the soyfaced thumbnails on google-youtube and the nippleslipping lets-play-thots on amazon-twitch. Or don’t look at it, I can’t look at it, I don’t want to. But those guys embrace the cringe, they take the cringe to the fucking dancefloor. They even embarrasses the cringe, and they are not ashamed. As much as i can’t stand them, i respect them for their total lack of respect for decency, they punk.

I used to like punk, when i was young. I never felt ashamed back then. That’s the secret:

I was just as much of an outsider back then, i have never felt part of a community, or group. I don’t seem to be able to keep relationships with either friends, family, or gfs. Back then i thought I could, would at least try. But now i know, i walk alone. Realizing that is painful, and i truly was embarrassing for some time.

I will not make this path my weakness.

Cringe, dance with me.