origin s04e01

foreverlikethis: how did u settle on hugo so early on?

It was not a special day at all, i think it was a comfy Saturday, I was alone at home when it struck me. I never gotten an idea like that before or since. It was very strange. A complex design, a platform and a vision. I knew and understood every detail of it. I wrote it down. I didn’t really see it at the time, but the idea was the main reason i quit the job and moved to a new city. This was in August, 2015.

trailer life

I got a new job, but hadn’t been able to get a place to live. I bought a trailer and lived in it on the company parking lot. Or it was like a designated lot, where others had similar setups, we where about 10 trailers. The new job was great, second best job I ever had. I started early February 2016.

When i didn’t work i was trying to get dates on a dating site and figure out Linux, which I at the time had decided to use as my main desktop OS. On weekends i went home to my apartment.


I actually had an apartment, which I bought just weeks before i got the job I quit in 2015. It was in a third city, not my hometown, but my base so to speak. And while working at that 2015 job I actually had two apartments in different cities. I never really spent much time in that “main” apartment, but stayed there some weekends, it was where my social life where. Shortly after i got that new job, my “friends” had gotten a brilliant idea of their own:

Moving to Cambodia.

Rent a house there, and live in that house together. I thought it was an excellent plan, I wanted in. We smoked lots of weed, all four of us bought one-way tickets. We where gonna do it, just leave, in April. One of the guys actually sold his apartment, and asked if he could stay at my place till we left. It was just a month or so, and i was barely there myself, so he could do that. Both he and I, started realizing that the plan was sketchy, stupid, we didn’t wanna go. We stayed. The other two went.

the date

Internet dating is the worst. I wrote so many messages, i tried to get a date for months. No girl ever made first contact with me, until one day. I got a message saying:

Oh, it’s you!

yeah it’s me. She was the younger sister of an old friend of mine. We went on a date. She didn’t live far from the trailer, i could walk to her home. I used to do that, and we saw each other almost every day. But i didn’t really like her, she didn’t seem to like me that much. She made all discussions about politics, we didn’t agree on politics. She was also bald and looked a lot like her brother, it weirded me out.

sunshine friend returns

Not long after the stooges went to Cambodia we got a visit from a friend, living in Athens, Greece. He got a job at some call-center place, we hadn’t seen him since he left about a year earlier. He was great, you could tell that he was genuinely happy and proud to have found something that was working out. He wanted to recruit me to the call-center.

This sounded much more stable than Cambodia. And now i was even more tired of living in the trailer, the girl was getting on my nerves. This guy who now lived permanently in my apartment was getting on my nerves, especially the fact that he always forgot to pay rent. But I didn’t say yes, played it cool, told him i would visit over a weekend to get a feel for Greece. I bought the tickets a month before the actual trip. Leave on Thursday, back in the trailer Monday morning…