Name Added Category
Pointer Pointer

photorealistic xeyes

230614 pointing

random “sexy” stallman photos

230614 rms
Firefox Profilemaker

A little less russian-roulette about:config for Firefox.

230612 firefox
Dig Deeper

edgy site with good original content.

230611 topmark
Hacker Typer

silly webapp lets you larp as a hollywood hacker.

230611 typing

personal website by the author of a popular emacs fork.

230611 rms
1985-1999 DE screenshots

collection of screenshots of desktop graphical computer environments, with detailed comments about what is pictured.

230605 screenshots
Oh My Git!

git can be difficult to grasp at first, maybe this open source game built in godot can help.

230604 git
tiny tools roundup

cute list of more or less useful and more or less free software, presented in a neat UI I believe is generated from a google docs spreadsheet?


collection of all the rants from Linus Torvalds on the kernel mailing list from 2012 to 2015 classified by the amount of hate and sorted by it.

230603 dataset

Search engine for websites containing minimal CSS and little or no JavaScript.

230603 search

Simple and perfect temporary file hosting.

230526 webservice
Dudemanguy Wayland Rant

Legendary ricer and mpv contributor: dudemanguy, writes about his journey from wayland believer, working hard to make mpv more wayland compliant, to non-believer.

230518 wayland
Graphic software timeline

presentation with lots of videos, photos and screenshots of the evolution of graphical software. Timeline starts at 1959.

230514 computer-history
TLS handshake revealed

The page fetches it self byte-by-byte and is a good way to see what a TLS handshake does.

230512 network
Free speech VPS test

Anon made a comprehensive comparison of privacy focused VPS providers to find which ones are the most tollerant when it comes to “free speech”.

230508 privacy
SPDX Tutorial

Good introduction on how to use SPDX.
tl;dr SPDX is a standard for including license headers in source code, which is much terser (2 lines), than including the massive block of text that the actual license requires.

230507 copyright
HTMX is the future

This article is praise for a “new” webtechnology, that aims to make development for web, be more like it used to (before javascript). HTMX can replace bloated javascript frameworks, and lets you use any language for both “frontend” and “backend”. And it is almost completely server-side rendered.

230506 webdev
Bookmark Download

I think there are some good ideas and insights in this article:

  • bookmarks can and should be local.
  • 3388 bookmarks is only 4.7GB
  • browsers built in bookmarking is bad

They also mention the web extension: SingleFile , which I started using myself just a week ago. This made me thinking that a browser extension that combines SingleFile and somehting along the lines of this article would be really nice to have/create ;)

Web Extension for saving web sites

SingleFile is a tool for saving a faithful copy of an entire web page in a single HTML file.

230430 webextension
What is wrong with TOML?

[T]TOML .. I never understood how this mess of a config format ever became a thing outside of Tom’s obviously dirty basement.

230426 TOML
C Oneliner Symphonies

Low level underground music.
There is also this awk version:

230421 programming
Luke Mitchells Bookmarks

Lots of links, mostly (web)design related.

Use Emoji as Favicon

SVG can display text. Emoji is text. SVG is valid favicon.
<link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🐈</text></svg>">

230419 webshit
Free Game Assets

Kenney has thousands of completely free (CC0) game assets.

230417 gamedev
Old, still active web sites

404PAGEFOUND is a gallery of web 1.0 sites.

230414 web-1.0

Cool interface to publicly available FM-radio web transmissions all over the world.

230414 radio
Code the classics

Book describing how to make classic games in Python and Pygame Zero. Graphical assets by Dan Malone (pixel art master known for speedball 2). Available both as free pdf or hardcover, source code for the games on GitHub .

200215 books
Spelskaparna ep 91 Dan Malone and Mattias Kylen

Great interview with Dan Malone who did the graphics on the classic speedball games for the Amiga.

200215 podcast
Web shit weekly

An annotated digest of the top “Hacker” “News” .

200213 webshit